Four rules for building wealth
Are you interested in building wealth?
Most likely you answered either "yes," "YES," or "&%$# YES" to that question. I have four rules that you need to follow. Here they are:
A portion of everything you make (no less than 10%)…

Visitation Taxes – The Hunt for Taxes Part IV
It has been a while since we added to this series. Not because there hasn't been any examples to write about but rather because there have been too many and I have been suffering from analysis paralysis.
Just recently it came to my attention…

3 Questions That Will Change The Way You Save Money Forever
Saving money is so easy a cave man can do it right? But, what if I told you 90% of Americans don’t save money SMARTLY? You know anyone can save their money but only a select few save their money in a way that will prosper them in the future.

The Secret Opportunity Costs Of College No One Will Tell You
You already know that college is expensive, but how expensive is it? Let's find out!
I recently had a discussion with some clients we'll call John and Joanna, who have 2 teenage boys (I do free consulting). Anyway, one of their…

7 Attributes Of An Ideal Investment
In my last blog post, I discussed the pre-requisite of finding an ideal investment. Namely, you as the investor need to be ideal. What I mean is you need a sound financial education. Without the right kind of financial education, you…

Quit Trying To Find The Ideal Investment & Become The Ideal Investor
I am often asked by clients and even in casual conversations with people at sporting events, airports or in social gatherings; "How does one find the ideal investment?" I am going to share in this post what I normally share with those…

Taxes and You
I chuckled as I read the following clip on a Facebook post:
I used to work at Walmart as a cashier. During tax free weekend, the place was a mad house. The lines were long and the customers were non-stop. That being said, I can say that at…

Pensions on Target to Fall of Fiscal Cliff
The pensions in the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, The Netherlands, Canada, Australia, China and India will have a projected unfunded liability of $428 Trillion dollars by 2050. That figure does not, and I repeat does NOT include…

Wills and Trusts: Not just for Senior Citizens
Not very often do I just publish a link to an article, but occasionally there is an article worthy of so doing. This article reminds us that we must have powers of attorney for healthcare and finances at ALL ages. A statement of physicians…

Interest Rates For Dummies
That title is misleading. I am not saying you are dumb because you aren't. But interest rates can be confusing and difficult to understand. In fact, even most bankers and lenders do not understand how they work. As a result, most people…