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401(k) plans were ‘never designed to be the retirement plan for America’

The title of this article is taken directly from an article on yahoo Finance.  Here at Henderson and Floyd we have been preaching this very thing for more than a decade, please notice earlier articles here, here and here.  One the point of…
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Spending more on Health Care vs. Social Security

"We the people" is often used when we talk about liberty and justice for all.  It is not a phrase used very often when we talk about things that are not so noble, such as spending.  When we talk about spending, we use "the government" as if…

The Truth About Social Security

The Social Security and Medicare Trustees just issued their annual report. In it, they claim Social Security will go bankrupt in 2034. One year later than last year. Medicare will go bankrupt in 2030, also one year later than last year's report.…