Interest Rates For Dummies
That title is misleading. I am not saying you are dumb because you aren't. But interest rates can be confusing and difficult to understand. In fact, even most bankers and lenders do not understand how they work. As a result, most people…

America’s Budget Nightmare
Twice a year, the Congressional Budget Office issues a report or rather updates its annual “Budget and Economic Outlook.” This report projects the nation’s fiscal conditions for the next 10 years based on current laws. The most recent…

Capitalism VS Socialism
There seems to be a lot of talk about the evils of capitalism of late. While capitalism has its short comings a short story will illustrate the difference between capitalism and socialism. This story has been published a bunch of times,…

More Sellers Than Buyers?
Quick answer this question: What happens to the price of something if there are more sellers than buyers?
I know that was a simple question, but I wanted to have that as a foundation for this post.
Several years ago I read the book;…

India Now Taxes Her Citizens For Holding Cash
This is incredibly brazen and troubling news. The government of India recently made one of the boldest moves in recent times against cash. They have essentially “probabilistically devalued” the 500 and 1000 rupee notes in circulation. …

Outlaw Short Selling?
The European banks are in much worse shape than their US competition. Deutsche Bank seems to be in the worst shape and has been in the news a lot lately. The reason being argued in Europe is that the US government imposed a ban on speculation…

Federal Deficit Goes Up Again.
The US government says it ran a $US587 billion budget deficit for the fiscal year, which was a 34% increase over last year. Yes, with the aide of accounting gimmicks we have not had a rise in the deficit for a few years but a 34% jump in…

Could China Debt Really Start The Next Economic Disaster?
There are many analysts who believe the next world-wide economic disaster will begin in China. Even the BIS is also rightly concerned about spillover from China to the global economy. China is the second largest economy on the planet with a…

“Egregious Tax Loophole” To Be Closed
When the 13th amendment was sold to the American public in 1912-1913 they were told it would only apply to the mega rich. That information was a little thin in details on how exactly only the mega rich would pay. Do you, dear reader, pay…

Fox News recently reported: "For the first time in Puerto Rico's history as a U.S. territory, the island doesn't have the ultimate control of its finances." Yes you read that correctly, at the end of September, a seven member control board…